
last updated on 31/12/2002

welcome! welcome! welcome to my page, MYPAGE its nice to see you :)its not often i meet people so its nice to meet you MEETYOU. i hope we can be good friends! im ####### but you can just call me PASTA >ᴗ<

do you like cats?

Yay! I love cats too!

They don't like you either.

Oh. were you expecting.. more?Thats unfortunateSorry, theres nothing else here.

What Do i like?

I love CATS!
I also enjoy drawing and modelling, even some music producing aswell!

sometimes i like to look up at the sky

and see the XXXX , space is so pretty.

fAv Food

  • pasta (cool!)

  • chocolate(yum!)

  • ramen (wow!)

  • pizza(delish!)

ring ring.
can you hear me?
that's unfortunate.
i had the most incredible thing planned.
if you can see this.
do you want to be friends?